Choosing the Right Paint Colors for Your New Home

When you’re building your new home, there’s millions of decisions that have to be made throughout the entire process. One of those decisions? Choosing the right paint colors. If you’re having a hard time choosing the right colors for your new space, try asking yourself these questions:

  • Who will be using this space the most?
    Depending on what space you are trying to choose a color for, different people might be using that room more than others (especially if it’s someone’s bedroom or bathroom), so of course you want to choose a color that will be right for that person. It might not hurt to bring them into the decision making process, but if not, just try to think from their perspective and think about how certain colors would make them feel.
  • What do you want to feel when you enter the room?
    It’s no secret that specific colors elicit different emotions, so it might not hurt to establish what you want each room to make you feel whenever you enter/whenever you spend time in there. Depending on your response, that might help you narrow down the color options. For example, if you want to feel serene and relaxed in a specific room, you might want to stick with cooler and neutral tones.
  • What will this do for the resale value?
    If you are planning to sell and won’t want to have the house repainted before you do so, it might not hurt to just stick with classic and neutral colors that won’t ever go out of style!

Top Reasons to Work with a Custom Home Builder

With so many options out there for home buyers, it can be overwhelming to decide how to go about the entire process. Many people choose to buy an already established home because the thought of building their own custom home is a bit scary! We totally get it. But truthfully, there has never been a better time to take the plunge and build your own home. So, what are the benefits?

  1. Strong focus on your budget
    When you build your own home, it lets you be in charge of where your money goes. You can say no to things that you do not need, and decide to splurge for something else you decide you really want. And a good custom home builder will monitor your costs as the project goes on, which will help you to not go over budget when you aren’t looking. And the best part? Not only will you be cost efficient during the project, but you can make sure you incorporate features into your home that will help you save money while you are living there – like energy efficient features!
  2. Personal contact
    No matter how big the company is that is building your home, you will probably have one person that is your main point of contact during the project. Your project manager will be your go-to! They are there to communicate with you about the details of the project and keep you updated on all things. By having this person, you can take any concerns straight to them to get them taken care of.
  3. Quality assurance
    Building your own home means you won’t discover any unpleasant surprises after you’ve already moved in. Since you were part of the entire process, you would’ve been made aware of any issues throughout the project and they would’ve been fixed/resolved before you were cleared to move in. That definitely isn’t the case when you buy … sometimes buyers are not made aware of issues with the house which is probably the last thing you’d ever want to deal with!